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Bringing Creatives back into their magic!

Hello. I am Amanda Shay, an Energetic Mentor specializing in empowering conscious creatives to reach their full potential and conquer burnout without compromising their goals.


I'm here to guide you on your journey.

Fuel the Fire within

Your Life

Choosing to work with me is a powerful first step towards transformation and healing. You will experience a deeper connection to your own power and inner wisdom and find the courage to create the life you desire. Together, we will embark on a journey of healing and growth and unlock the transformational outcomes that are waiting for you. 

(You can thank me later!)

Stress Reduction

Improved Sleep

Reduced Anxiety

Spiritual Connection


Sense of

Transformational Experiences

Your Time Is Now.

Focus with Amanda Shay

Creative Fuel

A Deeply Healing Transformative Experience 


1:1 Seven Week


A customized journey to transform your scattered thoughts and actions into alignment with your higher self so you can make a greater impact in the world. 

Nature Walk with Amanda Shay

Nature Escape

Awaken Your Intuition with Nature's Guidance


Group or 1:1 Nature Walk


Amid life's chaos, forge a profound connection with Mother Nature. Learn to truly see and feel the magic, opening yourself to healing energies and gentle messages from the creator.

Energy Healing with Amanda Shay


Transform your fear + frustration into fun + flow. 


Private consultation


This powerful 45-minute session will help you shift from feeling stuck and overwhelmed with self-doubt to a place of clarity, possibility, and motivation. 

The Results Are Limitless
& My Promise Is Simple:

Get Clarity with Amanda Shay


Get Connected with Amanda Shay


Experience Joy


As with everything in nature, if your life isn't supported by a grounded source of energy, it will wither and lose its vitality. 

Sonia Choquette

Amanda 2021 Lynn Walker Photography-9 Amanda Shay (1).jpg

Want more focus?

Schedule your free consultation today by filling out my short needs assessment.

Client Love
from Sarah

Sarah Aynesworth_testimonal

Amanda is the most talented energy healer and massage therapist I’ve ever encountered. She is very intuitive and quietly shares her gifts in the most comforting way. When you leave one of her sessions you feel energetically lighter and physically restored. I’ve recommended her to many friends and everyone has left saying “that was amazing”. Indeed - amazing ! 

~ Sarah Aynesworth, Etiquette Consultant 

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